Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Supplements for Beginners

Its a general question that always seems to come around, "What supplementation should i take and do they even work?"

The answer is yes they do work, which ones should you take? Now that is un-answerable over a blog. My aim is to give you a little better understanding on what they do and how they work.

End of the day it all depends on what your goals are, the whole point of supplementation is to supplement a diet, therefore whatever your goals are you cannot solely rely on them. The most common supplement is protein shakes/bars but for you to gain lean muscle you need 1-1.5g of protein per lb of lean muscle therefore it would be very difficult to do this with just protein shakes. You also need to get all types of protein (soy, whey, casein etc.) within your digestive system therefore having a high protein diet is essential.

Same applies for all of the other supplements, as well as taking them you need to look for them naturally within a healthy diet. Someone who is looking to gain weight is going to take a totally different stack of supplements than someone looking to lower fat percentage.

Any further questions tweet or comment and ill be sure to get back to you.

Twitter: @LifestyleFuse

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