Two reasons for having a "Cheat Meal".
1. Psychologically dieting is hard, in the society that we live in you are consistently surrounded by take-aways, fast food, chocolate, sweets and pastries and if you are dieting you have to constantly say "NO!". You need to have something to look forward to, setting out a day to be able to say "Yes!" to these foods is essential. It is going to keep you from going insane. I like to keep this day to once a week and it is usually a Sunday night, this allows me to have it and start my cycle all again on Monday without letting the "Cheat Meal" turn into a "Cheat Day" or "Cheat Week".
2. This is the more scientific view of having a "Cheat Meal" and for the more strict dieter. Leptin Hormone is something the body produces that helps to regulate fat, the higher your body fat % the higher your leptin, lower body fat % lower the leptin levels produced in the body. Now when you go under a strict diet with low carbs and fats these levels are going to drop drastically, in turn your glycogen levels lower and so does many of your other hormones like testosterone and estrogen. When this happens your body starts to go into "starvation mode" in which it holds on to fat and does everything to keep it. Therefore when you indulge yourself in a "Cheat Meal" that is high in carbs it will increase leptin levels in the body and stop this from happening. Making it more effective for your body to burn calories again. Like i say i always like to have my cheat meal on a Sunday after a hard workout, usually being Legs as this is a large muscle group and so uses the most calories for energy.
And there you go, i'm giving you permission to go out there and grab yourself a high carb, high fat meal to indulge in. REMEMBER: Don't let the cheat meal to turn into a cheat day or cheat week.
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