The latest trend to hit the health and fitness scene is the "Shake Diet", as everyone knows it, and most people are either going with Juice + or Herbalife. What is apparent to me is the fact that everyone either loves it and lives by it or hates it and would never go near it. Now with this blog you're not going to get any of them answers but you're going to get my shorted stated opinion on them both.
All of these companies are selling you a supplement, and as i've stated in early blogs supplements are their to support a healthy diet. I know Herbalife a lot better than i know Juice + so most of my comments will be based around that but I'm sure it will be very generalized in most cases.
My first opinion is this, if you have the time to get up everyday and plan all of yours meals for throughout the day high in protein with a mix of vegetables and maybe a little healthy fats and carbohydrates then do not bother to go anywhere near the shakes unless you want to add them as a supplement like you would a normal protein shake.
Now for many people this is and would be very stressful on their already busy lives, not being able to avoid temptation to get what everyone else in the office or site has for their breakfast and lunch. Now this is where i say that it is going to be better and more beneficial for someone to a have a shake high in protein or high in vitamins and minerals than chow down on a Big Mac. Now don't get me wrong i do not advise for you to go throughout the day on shakes and live your life by this but if you know you are busy for work that day and you aren't going to get time then this could be beneficial for you to take a shake. I would always advise for you still to have some natural protein that can be eaten on the go such as almonds, greek yoghurt or hard boiled eggs.
Like i said, don't go throughout the day on a shake diet, make sure at least one/two of your meals is from the cooker or stove. When you can, plan to eat a plate rich in protein, fruit and veg, and some complex carbohydrates.
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