Right so you're constantly told breakfast is important, but does anyone tell you why, and what it should consist of.
Firstly, lets start on why its important. You've just woken up from what should of been around 8 hours of sleep, now during that time your body has shut down into a state of rest. Not only are your eyes resting but your metabolism*, to enable your metabolism to be boosted you need to put something in your body. Now, this isn't only important for losing weight but also to build muscle, while your metabolism is slow, nutrients aren't getting to the muscles as quickly as they should be therefore they don't have the right amount of protein and carbohydrates to build, especially after they have been depleted for what should be 8 hours - this can be stopped by including the right nutrition before bed but i will go into that another time.
So, now we know why it is important, what should it consist of? It all depends on your day ahead of you, are you are sat down at a desk all day or are you going to be running around a building site? Is it rest day from the gym or are you doing a bootcamp tonight?
Depending on what day it is for you i will give you two examples of a good breakfast and why. Now i can't give too much details without knowing your exact BMR* but these breakfasts are a good starting point.
Active Day/Busy Lifestyle -
Large Glass of Water
Bowl of Oatmeal/Porridge w/ Scoop of Protein
Piece of Fruit
Rest Day/Slow Lifestyle -
Large Glass of Water
2 Egg Omelette - Lean Meat & Veg
Low Sugar Fruit
Reasons Why?
Active Day/Busy Lifestyle -
Always start with a glass of water preferable cold, it will boost your metabolism and wake your body up. On this day oatmeal/porridge is a good source of slow releasing carbohydrates which will give you the energy throughout the day, I advise for you to add a scoop of protein because not only will it give some flavor instead of you reaching for the bowl of sugar, but the protein will help for the workout to come and also keep you fuller for longer. Cup of coffee on both days will also help to boost your metabolism, certain amounts of caffeine will do this and also give you some energy if you are about to workout. Piece of fruit, this can be any type of fruit really depending on your goals and also can be mixed with your oatmeal/porridge dependent on your flavors.
Rest Day/Slow Lifestyle -
Again the water will allow you to wake your body up allowing your metabolism to be kick started. Instead of the oatmeal which has carbs you are going to reach for a high protein meal which can be an omelette or if your in a rush two hard boiled eggs from the night before. If you take carbohydrates in on a day in which your body isn't doing much activity they will sit on your stomach and probably turn into fat if not used as energy. A Coffee/Green Tea again will give you some caffeine for energy and also help again with your metabolism. This time we are going to reach for a low sugar fruit, which to be safe is usually some sort of fresh berries or rhubarb as you don't want high sugar to be sat in your stomach when not doing activity.
*Metabolism - This is the speed at which your body converts Kcal into energy, increased metabolism means you're body is moving nutrients around the body quickly and converting your food sources into energy quickly allowing it not to be stored as body fat.
*BMR - Basal Metabolic Rate - Can be calculated using some body measurements and gives you an average of calories your body burns each day and can dictate how many calories you need to either lose fat or gain muscle.
Personal Trainer/Owner of Fuse Lifestyle giving regular information on anything fitness and health related. Have a question want answering just comment or tweet.
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Weight Training: Dumbbells Vs. Barbells
This is a question that comes around all the time, do you use dumbbells or barbells? There isn't any right or wrong answer when it comes to this and everyone has their favorite whether it be dumbbells or barbells and in some cases the smith machine. Let me give you my verdict and some negatives and positives of each equipment.
Smith Machine: First let me get this out the way, in my opinion unless you are doing explosive exercises or a beginner who struggles for balance stay clear of the smith machine when possible. Smith machine although allows you to lift heavier because of the stabilizing factor doesn't use as many muscle fiber's, neither does it engage the core.
Barbell: Allows the lifter to put a lot more weight on and for this reason i always try and use the barbell at the start of my workouts for strength. Personally, barbell doesn't allow me to build as much definition as the dumbbells do but is great to build strength. Negatives of the barbell; if you aren't sure about how much you can lift and you are on your own, it can sometimes be a struggle to keep asking for a spotter from your fellow gym goers.
Dumbbell: As i said with the barbell i like to use dumbbells for definition and mass purposes and usually use these after my strength barbell exercises. Dumbbells are good for beginners, they allow you to drop them when you can't lift anymore, they also allow you to work on balance as they engage much more core than other equipment. Dumbbells are also good for working out imbalances with either a beginner, intermediate or advanced lifter. Negatives are that you can't load the weight up as much, they will probably get to a point when you struggle to lift the dumbbells especially when it comes to loading up for leg exercises.
Conclusion: After my warm-up i will always use a barbell at the beginning of my general lift for strength, not doing anymore than 8 reps; 10 at max. I will then move on to dumbbells where i will work on mass and definition with 8-15 reps and then to some cables depending on muscle group. Smith machine only comes in to my workouts on circuits when i will use them for explosive exercises.
Fuse Lifestyle
Smith Machine: First let me get this out the way, in my opinion unless you are doing explosive exercises or a beginner who struggles for balance stay clear of the smith machine when possible. Smith machine although allows you to lift heavier because of the stabilizing factor doesn't use as many muscle fiber's, neither does it engage the core.
Barbell: Allows the lifter to put a lot more weight on and for this reason i always try and use the barbell at the start of my workouts for strength. Personally, barbell doesn't allow me to build as much definition as the dumbbells do but is great to build strength. Negatives of the barbell; if you aren't sure about how much you can lift and you are on your own, it can sometimes be a struggle to keep asking for a spotter from your fellow gym goers.
Dumbbell: As i said with the barbell i like to use dumbbells for definition and mass purposes and usually use these after my strength barbell exercises. Dumbbells are good for beginners, they allow you to drop them when you can't lift anymore, they also allow you to work on balance as they engage much more core than other equipment. Dumbbells are also good for working out imbalances with either a beginner, intermediate or advanced lifter. Negatives are that you can't load the weight up as much, they will probably get to a point when you struggle to lift the dumbbells especially when it comes to loading up for leg exercises.
Conclusion: After my warm-up i will always use a barbell at the beginning of my general lift for strength, not doing anymore than 8 reps; 10 at max. I will then move on to dumbbells where i will work on mass and definition with 8-15 reps and then to some cables depending on muscle group. Smith machine only comes in to my workouts on circuits when i will use them for explosive exercises.
Fuse Lifestyle
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Shopping Basket Essentials

We all know we are supposed to make the right decisions in the kitchen in order to make it easier to live a healthy lifestyle. For me it all starts in the supermarket/grocery store, you make the right decisions there, it makes it a lot easier in the kitchen. Im going to give you a quick list of the foods i recommend and reasons why and tips of how to use them.
1. Spinach - I always like to buy and have this separate from your standard salad bag, makes it easier to judge how much you have and in many of the salad bags it is very limited. Great source of vitamins and protein, always add to every salad.
2. Avocado - Avocado is another great fruit to add to your salad, its high in good fats and will help to get rid of hunger and also cravings. Great to spice up your salad.
3. Sweet Potatoes - Its a great carb, usually only recommend this on high intensity training days. Can go with most meats and good for a post-workout meal.
4. Olives - Olives i keep around for something to have as a snack, once again high in essential fats and a lot better than grabbing a sugary snack, its going to stop cravings and hunger.
5. Broccoli - Number one vegetable for me, high in protein and plenty of nutrients can be added to your salad or dinner, hot or cold, always a winner.
6. Asparagus - Another vegetable i always like to have, especially for dinner times. It goes with all meats and high in nutrients.
7. Chicken Breasts - Essential for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Lean meat which is very high in protein and can go with anything. Yes, i did say breakfast.
8. Turkey Mince - I find i can do anything with this the same as beef mince its just a lot more leaner. Add it to a chilli with all the vegetables you have and a small amount of beans and some spicing. Keeps you going for days.
9. Salmon - A great source of fats and protein, the go to fish. Once again add it to any of the vegetables and you have a superb nutritious meal.
10. Eggs - Can do anything with eggs, try and always have them with your breakfast, staying away from cereals. Always a great idea to boil them at the beginning of each week and have a few to snack on. Don't take all yolks out but do limit them.
11. Tuna - Another great fish to have, high in protein, especially with your salads. Just don't add mayo.
12. Coconut Oil - Great to have around the house, going to give you a lot more benefits than other oils and keep your eating a lot cleaner.
13. Raw Nuts (Almonds & Walnuts) - These are great to add to your breakfast in the morning with some low fat greek yoghurt, there also another snack to have during the day. Handful to take to work is always a winner.
14. Light Vinaigrette - This is on there for you salad dressings don't ruin a healthy salad with all these creamy dressing, you buy these sort of salads from restaurants and many of the times they will have higher calories and fat count than the burger.
15. Natural Organic Peanut Butter - This is great source of protein and fat, added to some fruit before or after a workout will be extremely beneficial to you. Its also great for a late night snack if you have some cravings.
16. Low-Fat Greek Yoghurt - Good source of calcium, protein and fats. Going to work well with granola before a workout if you are stuck for time and also in the morning mixed with low sugar fruits; basic rule that berries are usually low in sugar.
17. Granola - Great source of quick energy which is high in fibre, especially on high intensity workout days.
18. Brown Rice & Whole Wheat Pasta - Both a great carb, again to be taken in small amounts and usually on working days. Always try to limit these and look at the serving amount on the back a lot of people are surprised.
So there is my 18 essentials, now that isn't everything but this could quite easily see you through a week with the adding of some basics ingredients and some supplementation.
Hopefully this will help anyone who is out shopping this weekend and give you some guidance.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Juice Plus, Herbalife and "Shake Diets"

The latest trend to hit the health and fitness scene is the "Shake Diet", as everyone knows it, and most people are either going with Juice + or Herbalife. What is apparent to me is the fact that everyone either loves it and lives by it or hates it and would never go near it. Now with this blog you're not going to get any of them answers but you're going to get my shorted stated opinion on them both.
All of these companies are selling you a supplement, and as i've stated in early blogs supplements are their to support a healthy diet. I know Herbalife a lot better than i know Juice + so most of my comments will be based around that but I'm sure it will be very generalized in most cases.
My first opinion is this, if you have the time to get up everyday and plan all of yours meals for throughout the day high in protein with a mix of vegetables and maybe a little healthy fats and carbohydrates then do not bother to go anywhere near the shakes unless you want to add them as a supplement like you would a normal protein shake.
Now for many people this is and would be very stressful on their already busy lives, not being able to avoid temptation to get what everyone else in the office or site has for their breakfast and lunch. Now this is where i say that it is going to be better and more beneficial for someone to a have a shake high in protein or high in vitamins and minerals than chow down on a Big Mac. Now don't get me wrong i do not advise for you to go throughout the day on shakes and live your life by this but if you know you are busy for work that day and you aren't going to get time then this could be beneficial for you to take a shake. I would always advise for you still to have some natural protein that can be eaten on the go such as almonds, greek yoghurt or hard boiled eggs.
Like i said, don't go throughout the day on a shake diet, make sure at least one/two of your meals is from the cooker or stove. When you can, plan to eat a plate rich in protein, fruit and veg, and some complex carbohydrates.
Friday, March 7, 2014
Home Bodyweight Circuit
In previous posts i have explained how weight training and high intensity interval training (HIIT) is going to burn a lot more calories than steady state cardio such as the treadmill. One thing that is a problem is time restriction, in this blog i'm going to give you a bodyweight circuit that can be done at home and will take only 15minutes (1% of your day). Not only is it going to burn calories while doing it but because it is HIIT it will keep your metabolism running high for hours later.
1. Burpees
2. Lunge Cycle
3. Push-Ups
4. Mountain Climbers
5. Squat Jumps
Beginner: 15/20seconds work; 45/40seconds rest.
Intermediate: 20/25seconds work; 40/35seconds rest
Advanced: 25/30seconds work; 35/30seconds rest
3-5 Rounds. 2 Minutes rest between rounds.
In this circuit you are going to run on time, with each exercise taking a minute including your rest. So for example a beginner will work for 15 seconds and rest 45, starting each exercise on the minute. All of the exercises should be done at high intensity and many have different variations to make easier and harder. Below are some images to help you how each exercise should be performed. Try and add this circuit into your day, i challenge you.

Lunge Cycle.
Mountain Climbers.
Squat Jumps.
1. Burpees
2. Lunge Cycle
3. Push-Ups
4. Mountain Climbers
5. Squat Jumps
Beginner: 15/20seconds work; 45/40seconds rest.
Intermediate: 20/25seconds work; 40/35seconds rest
Advanced: 25/30seconds work; 35/30seconds rest
3-5 Rounds. 2 Minutes rest between rounds.
In this circuit you are going to run on time, with each exercise taking a minute including your rest. So for example a beginner will work for 15 seconds and rest 45, starting each exercise on the minute. All of the exercises should be done at high intensity and many have different variations to make easier and harder. Below are some images to help you how each exercise should be performed. Try and add this circuit into your day, i challenge you.

Lunge Cycle.
Mountain Climbers.
Squat Jumps.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Marathon Preparation
Summer is coming around and so many people are preparing for marathons, now if its your first time it might be a bit daunting of how you can prepare for it. There is the obvious training which should of probably started and be well into it, slowly building your miles and increasing your pace. The question i have is how do you prepare for the last two weeks; nutrition, hydration and rest.
We will start on nutrition, throughout your training you have been putting carbohydrates into your body before you go running, this is essential for glycogen production and in turn energy. Your body is used to consuming the carbs and turning them into energy, two weeks out from the big day you're going to begin to cut down these intakes. This is going to teach your body to work more efficiently in finding the carbs to turn into energy, therefore in replace of these carbs you are going to eat fats. This isn't the time to go and get yourself a McDonalds; we are going to replace the carbs with good fats. These can be found in sources like, greek yoghurt, eggs, nuts, salmon, cheeses and olive oil. These sort of foods are going to become your main source of energy (60-70%) for the next 11 days until you are 2 days away from race day. Once your body is used to this sort of diet you're going to hit the carbohydrates hard for the next couple of days up and till your race changing the ratios around. This will then allow your body to turn this carbohydrates into glycogen a lot more efficiently giving you the energy to run that extra mile. Night before you go don't over indulge eat at the same time you have been eating throughout training and roughly the same portions. Don't allow yourself to go hungry but keep some high carb snacks at hand.
Now hydration is essential to long distance running and dehydration is going to affect performance, as soon as your body slips into dehydration your time is going to run away from you. Starting a couple of days before the race make sure you are constantly hydrating, with at least 4-8 ounces each hour, don't leave it till the day of the race to do it. Night before drink a high electrolyte beverage along with the water. Morning of the race drink when thirsty and two hours before drink around 8 ounces of water and this should allow you not to need a toilet break while running but keep hydrated enough to perform.
Rest this is another part of performing your best on the day, not running 2-3 days before is not going to affect your fitness, some light stuff to keep you ticking over is all well but don't go out trying to beat times in some long distance runs. Believe in your preparation up to know and trust your fitness.
Failing to Prepare is Preparing to Fail.
We will start on nutrition, throughout your training you have been putting carbohydrates into your body before you go running, this is essential for glycogen production and in turn energy. Your body is used to consuming the carbs and turning them into energy, two weeks out from the big day you're going to begin to cut down these intakes. This is going to teach your body to work more efficiently in finding the carbs to turn into energy, therefore in replace of these carbs you are going to eat fats. This isn't the time to go and get yourself a McDonalds; we are going to replace the carbs with good fats. These can be found in sources like, greek yoghurt, eggs, nuts, salmon, cheeses and olive oil. These sort of foods are going to become your main source of energy (60-70%) for the next 11 days until you are 2 days away from race day. Once your body is used to this sort of diet you're going to hit the carbohydrates hard for the next couple of days up and till your race changing the ratios around. This will then allow your body to turn this carbohydrates into glycogen a lot more efficiently giving you the energy to run that extra mile. Night before you go don't over indulge eat at the same time you have been eating throughout training and roughly the same portions. Don't allow yourself to go hungry but keep some high carb snacks at hand.
Now hydration is essential to long distance running and dehydration is going to affect performance, as soon as your body slips into dehydration your time is going to run away from you. Starting a couple of days before the race make sure you are constantly hydrating, with at least 4-8 ounces each hour, don't leave it till the day of the race to do it. Night before drink a high electrolyte beverage along with the water. Morning of the race drink when thirsty and two hours before drink around 8 ounces of water and this should allow you not to need a toilet break while running but keep hydrated enough to perform.
Rest this is another part of performing your best on the day, not running 2-3 days before is not going to affect your fitness, some light stuff to keep you ticking over is all well but don't go out trying to beat times in some long distance runs. Believe in your preparation up to know and trust your fitness.
Failing to Prepare is Preparing to Fail.
Monday, March 3, 2014
The Importance and Value of a Cheat Meal
Whether you are on a strict diet or just live a healthy lifestyle, whether you are an elite bodybuilder or just go to the gym leisurely "Cheat Meals" are essential. This meal usually has a large percentage of carbohydrates and fats.
Two reasons for having a "Cheat Meal".
1. Psychologically dieting is hard, in the society that we live in you are consistently surrounded by take-aways, fast food, chocolate, sweets and pastries and if you are dieting you have to constantly say "NO!". You need to have something to look forward to, setting out a day to be able to say "Yes!" to these foods is essential. It is going to keep you from going insane. I like to keep this day to once a week and it is usually a Sunday night, this allows me to have it and start my cycle all again on Monday without letting the "Cheat Meal" turn into a "Cheat Day" or "Cheat Week".
2. This is the more scientific view of having a "Cheat Meal" and for the more strict dieter. Leptin Hormone is something the body produces that helps to regulate fat, the higher your body fat % the higher your leptin, lower body fat % lower the leptin levels produced in the body. Now when you go under a strict diet with low carbs and fats these levels are going to drop drastically, in turn your glycogen levels lower and so does many of your other hormones like testosterone and estrogen. When this happens your body starts to go into "starvation mode" in which it holds on to fat and does everything to keep it. Therefore when you indulge yourself in a "Cheat Meal" that is high in carbs it will increase leptin levels in the body and stop this from happening. Making it more effective for your body to burn calories again. Like i say i always like to have my cheat meal on a Sunday after a hard workout, usually being Legs as this is a large muscle group and so uses the most calories for energy.
And there you go, i'm giving you permission to go out there and grab yourself a high carb, high fat meal to indulge in. REMEMBER: Don't let the cheat meal to turn into a cheat day or cheat week.
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Two reasons for having a "Cheat Meal".
1. Psychologically dieting is hard, in the society that we live in you are consistently surrounded by take-aways, fast food, chocolate, sweets and pastries and if you are dieting you have to constantly say "NO!". You need to have something to look forward to, setting out a day to be able to say "Yes!" to these foods is essential. It is going to keep you from going insane. I like to keep this day to once a week and it is usually a Sunday night, this allows me to have it and start my cycle all again on Monday without letting the "Cheat Meal" turn into a "Cheat Day" or "Cheat Week".
2. This is the more scientific view of having a "Cheat Meal" and for the more strict dieter. Leptin Hormone is something the body produces that helps to regulate fat, the higher your body fat % the higher your leptin, lower body fat % lower the leptin levels produced in the body. Now when you go under a strict diet with low carbs and fats these levels are going to drop drastically, in turn your glycogen levels lower and so does many of your other hormones like testosterone and estrogen. When this happens your body starts to go into "starvation mode" in which it holds on to fat and does everything to keep it. Therefore when you indulge yourself in a "Cheat Meal" that is high in carbs it will increase leptin levels in the body and stop this from happening. Making it more effective for your body to burn calories again. Like i say i always like to have my cheat meal on a Sunday after a hard workout, usually being Legs as this is a large muscle group and so uses the most calories for energy.
And there you go, i'm giving you permission to go out there and grab yourself a high carb, high fat meal to indulge in. REMEMBER: Don't let the cheat meal to turn into a cheat day or cheat week.
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